Tourist information

On this page you can find all the tourist information that you need from planning your trip to restaurant suggestions to live like a local.

Please consider that the prices listed in the transport information may be different. Same thing considering the phone number provided for the different places listed in the general sections. These section are updated on regular basis by our staff. The parking section is a representation of the parking places we have available in the areas but it is not granted that the parking places shown on the map are available at the moment of your booking.

Please consider that the prices listed in the transport information may be different. Same thing considering the phone number provided for the different places listed in the general sections. These section are updated on regular basis by our staff. The parking section is a representation of the parking places we have available in the areas but it is not granted that the parking places shown on the map are available at the moment of your booking.

If you want to make a fast and easy check-in please visit our page by clicking the image below